date: 2007-03-29 00:06
subject: Yet being pissed still beats being sad
lj-entry-id: 737,249

Yet being pissed still beats being sad - 2007-03-29 00:06 - Entry 913 - TOGoS's Journal

As I was talking with Fizz after running tonight he mentioned something about Whitewater and it reminded me of a dream I had last night. We (me and some friends, probably including Fizz, not sure who else) were in Whitewater for some reason, staying in someone's dorm room. We were sort of sneaking around outside between the dorms at night. Maybe we weren't really supposed to be there. And I noticed the dorms here looked a lot like the dorms in Platteville (in my dreams, Platteville and Whitewater dorm buildings are warped the same way).

Nearby where we were was a vast snowy landscape. They had bulldozed a line about 50 feet across in front of that area, so people wouldn't accidentally wander off into it and get lost. They'd have to deliberately walk across that muddy bulldozed area.

Finally got tax forms out of the way! And a couple other things! Woo!