date: 2007-04-22 20:58
subject: This day is alright; take your pictures.
lj-entry-id: 744,44

This day is alright; take your pictures. - 2007-04-22 20:58 - Entry 921 - TOGoS's Journal seems I ain't written much in here for a while.

Last weekend Fizz, YC, and I went and visited Platteville again. It was WBen's birthday so Fizz bought him a large can of beer. A-Day and I messed with the fire a lot. Police came to the back door and told us we had to get rid of the couches or move them inside and they took the orange stump-marking cone placed in the back yard by the landlord so that people wouldn't trip and get hurt on the bush. YC and I slept in Fizz's car the first night (we needed car-sleeping practice in case we decide sometime to go for an overnight adventure and don't want to set up a tent). YC and I (and A-Day, too, for our bike trip) went on some cool adventures and made some cool pictors. After we got back I tried to make a tabblo but it got all messed up and I gave up. So if you want to see our sweet pics you'll have to check them out from my server. But I PhotoBucketted a few of them...


Friday YC and I biked around. Saturday I sat around and refactored TOGoSTree3 (formerly a sub-project of Junko2) a bit. I also fixed an old squirrel house that Heather built in 4th grade. Today we went hiking at Devil's lake and then biking to the arboretum. We ate lots of raisin bran and chocolate.

Probably other stuff has happened, too. I'm still playing Doukutsu (wiki link for future-resistance), but I'm pretty close to the end now, I think. In the mornings I've been playing Breath of Fire (SNES). I don't consider it worth linking about.

TOGoS (standing in the middle of hammersley in the rain with a cordless phone): Yeah, I don't know why Fizz ain't back yet. Usually his bus comes at like 9:10. I can't go eat or take a shower until he gets back!
YC (in apartment): You're very persistent.
TOGoS: Thx.
YC: I think I'm going off now. I want to sleep for a while.
YC: Bye
TOGoS: bue ~_~

After standing in the rain for an hour, TOGoS comes inside and realizes that it is only 8:45, not 9:45.

Here are some notes from dreams I had that I no longer remember:

Sonic game?
  Side-view but 3D.
  Cool stairway.
City exploring game.
  Funny little city, lots of round buildings,
  road that goes off to an observatory or something.
  Like Myst, but smooth transitions between frames.
Biking around.
Visiting near NY with some friends, YC.
Biking around on my own though.
Trying to get YC to go with me.
Seem to have dropped my camera somewhere.
Must be back in the car/tent?

Oh, I do remember that Myst-like place. That was sweet. Yeah, I remember these dreams, now. ~_~