tags: platteville-house-dreams
date: 2007-04-24 15:48
subject: Something something
lj-entry-id: 745,94

Something something - 2007-04-24 15:48 - Entry 922 - TOGoS's Journal

I had a dream that I was playing AoE with Fizz and Joh and folks. The projection was different, and everyone started out surrounded by thick stone walls belonging to them. People seemed to be AFK a lot, so in those times I'd dig tunnels through their walls and start a gremlin colony (or something) within their base.

Somehow I ended up in Fizz's basement, except it looked like our basement at 575 (but without the bar room). We were going to have some sort of dance party in there. And I was thinking it would be more fun if Mary was around. There was a scary black spider hanging from the ceiling, and I was taked with catching it and taking it somewhere else so it wouldn't fall into people's hair.

Later (after waking up from that spider falling on me, and later from my alarm clock, and then going to sleep again) I was in a house, maybe with Fizz and A-Day. We were moving out, and maybe everyone else's folks had come and picked them up and left, so I was waiting around by myself. There was a star nearby that my dad was coming from on his way to pick me up. Only a light year away, I thought. And then I realized that it would take him hundreds of years to get here from there. At this point I was moving around the star, looking at it from different angles. It wasn't bright at all. It looked solid, with tentacles wrapped around itself and glowing lava exposed in places. It took some effort, but I managed to change it into a bright disc. And then I was flying down to the surface of a blue planet that was nearby. I flew down through a layer of clouds, and looking up I could still see the sun. It looked pretty near the horizon through the layers of atmosphere. I walked under a bridge and along a frozen river, trying to find a good spot to take a picture. I found one where there was a hole in the ice. Everything here was cold and shades of white and blue.