tags: hoofer-trip-dreams
date: 2007-04-28 21:48
subject: Paoli
lj-entry-id: 746,17

Paoli - 2007-04-28 21:48 - Entry 923 - TOGoS's Journal

Last night I dreampt that....well, first I was on the bridge of the Enterprise, and Spock was saying something about how awesome this game he was playing on a video screen was, even though it was basically a slide show. But we had to send a shuttle down to this planet to get a golden bolt (or was it a nut?), and I was driving along the surface in the shuttle, which had by now turned into a van. And I eventually found the golden nut/bolt, and I compared it to my other nuts and bolts to ensure that it fit, and sure enough it did. I wondered if anyone would mind if I took a nap in the van for a while...

With a bunch of Hoofers I was staying in a place that resembled a convenience store but with showers. It was all one big room, though, so if you were taking a shower you didn't get much privacy. Once in a while someone would ask "What happened to Tricia? Didn't she come out here with us?", and I'd tell them that whatever we were doing wasn't good enough for her so she was taking off early in the mornings and going kayaking somewhere by herself.

Today I was going to bike around Lake Mendota with some folks, but they didn't show up so I biked to Paoli with Yohan/Johann/Charles and this guy in biking gear and a single-speed fixed-to-the-wheel-gear bike.

Our TV broke and is now sitting on the curb. My dad's having me write some HTML pages for PICtercom.