date: 2007-05-21 15:47
subject: My Eyes Are Shrine!
lj-entry-id: 750,8

My Eyes Are Shrine! - 2007-05-21 15:47 - Entry 927 - TOGoS's Journal

Fizz was going to P-ville again this weekend (again as in I just went last week but he did not) for his and Bob's birthday. A-Day and I meant to get travel plans and camera stuff figured out but we never really got around to that. Mostly we played Wii tennis.

I've been putting off getting ready for that trip. Now I need to actually do it. After we got back from P-ville I bought a new camera case (this one I can wear around on my belt without the batteries flying out) and a 'money belt' (more like a tie than a belt, and it's mostly for carrying passports and airplane tickets).

A-Day's working on getting his NSLU2 to copy pictures off our cameras. Problem is he's not sure what the filesystem on my camera looks like. I hope we can get that figured out.

Lush looks cool, but it needed some new version glibc that I don't have to do the fancy compilation stuff (configure told me that it would be 'severely crippled' without it). For reasons like this I wish I had a fileserver separate from 'togos'. And maybe a few virtual boxes on that. Yeaahhhh making things complicated. ;P