date: 2007-08-16
subject: Romeo vs Hamlet vs Jethro, moving in, Sun
lj-entry-id: 776,206

Romeo vs Hamlet vs Jethro, moving in, Sun - 2007-08-16 - Entry 969 - TOGoS's Journal

I had a dream that I was in this 'Romeo vs Hamlet' movie. Normally they'd both die at the end, so my goal was to get them to make up and be friends. Fortunately I had as many chances as I needed. Sometimes one of them would fall through a stained glass window at the bottom of the floating castle that we were in and die. Eventually I got it worked out.

Then one of those guys (who now looked like John Romero) was in a documentary, up at the top of a pine tree, talking about how this was one of the tallest trees in the world. He climbed down and the camera followed him, and he got off not very far down from where he was into a boat. The tree didn't seem that tall, but I guess there was a lot under water. Somehow this place got flooded. Jethro was in the boat and was supposed to tie a harness on this guy's head, but he did it all wrong so it would fall off. The rope was blue.

I also had a dream that A-Day and I were biking around Germany on a large loop of bike trail. We were actually headed the wrong way, but I wasn't saying anything. I didn't mind biking for a bit longer. Later yet we were on some sort of high-speed multi-lane conveyor belt thing. I was hoping not to run into some Amish people under a bridge with metal hats, and someone was telling me about how this was like a Disney movie.

Today Fizz, Joh, and Atticus are moving into their new house. I think Fizz is the only one who's actually going to stay there tonight. It's sort of weird. I'd move over there except I have no income and therefore no way to help pay rent.

I am applying to some Sun positions. Sun looks like a neat company to work for, but AFAIK they have nothing in Madison, so I'd have to move off somewhere...