tags: hannah, yc, corn-maze, subway-dreams, widen-dreams, orlando-dreams
date: 2007-08-19 2:08
subject: Foreign subways, Parfay's Glen, Corn Maze, Hoyt Park, Pedro's
lj-entry-id: 777,56

Foreign subways, Parfay's Glen, Corn Maze, Hoyt Park, Pedro's - 2007-08-19 2:08 - Entry 970 - TOGoS's Journal

Yesterday YC and Hannah and I went to the corn maze. It was closed when we got there (it doesn't open until 5 on Fridays, and it was only about 1:30), so we wandered off to Lake Wisconsin and then called Ma to learn how to get to Parfay's Glen. We crossed at the Merrimac ferry and found the place and paid 7$ to a box for a day pass and wandered back and forth on some trails there and YC took pictures of us with her old film camera. Then we went back to the corn maze and wandered around until the sun went down. There were 8 secrets and we only found 6. Usually I try to find all of them but we wanted to get back to Madison and Hoyt park before it closed so we gave up early. We got our prize (it was bags of chips this year - every time we go to the corn maze the prize is lamer), left, and managed to find, drive into, and park in Hoyt park by about 9:20. It took us until 9:50 to get a fire going (having some newspaper and candle chunks along helped to get it started), and we roasted veggie dogs and strawberry marshmallows.


I was in this multi-story subway station. The 2nd floor down had a McDonalds in it, and further down it got dark and scary. I went outside to catch a tram. I hoped nobody would check my ticket because I wasn't sure if it was still valid, and valid for trams. Some guy followed me up (it was a 2-story tram car) and after I sat down he told me I was supposed to show my ticket to a security camera on the way in. I said 'oops, sry' and showed him my ticket. He said "this is a U-Bahn ticket. You can't use this for the trams."

Later I had a dream that I was going to Disney world with the folks from Widen. We got there and were in a lobby with free popcorn which I was eating while the others hung around and didn't seem to move much. Finally they went out to a parking lot and I followed them out. Some big dump/cement trucks drove up with room for 1 passenger in each one. We got in and they drove down the highway. I told my truck driver I enjoyed going over a bump because it was like a roller coaster but more unexpected. My truck driver said something back that sounded like a foreign language.

We got out at some hotel where I found out that they had decided to have some silly little party here in a hotel room for someone's 40th birthday. I didn't want to do that. I wanted to go to go to Disney world. So I started walking back along the highway, looking for a map or a bus station.

I came to an underground station labelled 'U-Weg'. All the maps were in German and didn't look like Orlando at all. I asked a guy where we were and he told me we were somewhere near the Mediterranean Sea. It didn't make any sense to me because I didn't remember crossing any oceans. And now how was I to get home?

Today Hannah and YC and I went to Pedro's, since it's Hannah's last weekend here, YC had a coupon for Pedro's, and we meant to go there sometime anyway. We got really full (we should have only ordered 2 entrees). Then came home and looked at my Europe pictures up to (not including) June 29th (that's about halfway through Munich). Then took YC home and played with the cat for a while.

I'm trying to teach Hannah how to program stuff using Processing.