date: 2007-09-14 01:20
tags: travel-dreams, coming-home-from-europe-dreams, bike-accidents
subject: Pieces of your reflector
lj-entry-id: 784,101

Pieces of your reflector - 2007-09-14 01:20 - Entry 977 - TOGoS's Journal

These words were said on Oct 9, 2004

BoxOfLAME: what are you doing tomorrow?
BoxOfDumb: homework
BoxOfLAME: :(
BoxOfDumb: what are YOU doing?
BoxOfLAME: ummm
BoxOfLAME: homework i guess
BoxOfDumb: why did you ask?
BoxOfLAME: to see if you wanted to try walking to dickeyville
BoxOfLAME: maybe next weekend...
BoxOfDumb: i dont'
BoxOfDumb: maybe
BoxOfDumb: i think that's fall break
BoxOfLAME: wtf is fall break?
BoxOfDumb: it's something we get now

Several nights ago I went running with Armstrong. We went almost down to Mineral Point, between Segoe and Midvale.

A different several nights ago, I dreampt that I was with YC and friends, going for a crazy adventure up north. We were driving up through Michigan to the east (in the dream, Michigan was a long penninsula, as if you took Michigan the lake, inverted it, and rotated it 180°), and we had to cross a number of ferries. The first ferry was pretty average - we got out of the car and there were places to sit and handrails, but the others were kind of raw. They didn't have handrails and you pretty much had to stay in your car the whole time. Those were the Canadian ferries.

Other than that, and the lack of the last part where Fizz was hanging out by a pool and I was trying to get a bus ticket, it was pretty much a repeat of this dream, including that we split up into 2 parties (naturally, since there were 2 cars) and got separated.

Afterwards, I was finishing up a loooooong plane ride from Ireland, somewhat unlike the long plane ride I had from Ireland in real life almost 2 months ago (though I couldn't explain exactly how, other than the plane seemed to be flying northward). I arrived at O'Hare (which didn't look much like O'Hare from the real trip) where I met A-Day (in real life we met in the Dublin airport), and started planning how to get home. I figured I'd ride my bike as far as I could, but first I'd call my dad to come get us. He'd meet me somewhere along the highway. Then we'd drive to O'Hare again, pick up A-Day, drive him to his house, and then drive home. Soon I was home, talking to my dad in his computer room. I told him he should drive me to Chicago so I could get my bike and we could take A-Day home.

(It doesn't make any sense to me, either.)

On the 11th, after a failed attempt to go bike riding (since it was such a nice day out and I couldn't stand to spend the whole thing sitting in my room working on the benderdefenders site), YC and Fizz and I all went running together (because Fizz was back in the neighborhood for some reason) (actually YC didn't run - she just rode her bike next to us). Then while I was biking YC home, she and another guy without a light smashed into eachother and messed up their bikes and gave YC a head/neckache. She's OK now, though.

[Ruggin with Fizz] [Not as bad as it looks]

I saw her off to the airport this morning. Here she is standing with a giant pillow (it takes a long time to get to Taiwan):

[Giant flight pillow] [Seriously not a bomb]

Also I built a cool new helmet light that will run on old AA batteries discarded from our digital cameras (we have a large supply of these). It's actually just a Rayovac head lamp strapped to the helmet with the battery holder modified to take power from my custom 3xAA holder made from random parts found in the work room (but you can still fit 3 AAAs in the original case, if you need to!). My dad ended up doing most of the work.