date: 2007-12-05 18:32
tags: photos
subject: Icy Johnson
lj-entry-id: 805,235

Icy Johnson - 2007-12-05 18:32 - Entry 998 - TOGoS's Journal

At the end of last week it snowed, and then it rained. It was cool to be able to walk on top of the snow on Sunday without falling through, but Joh had an awful time getting his car out of the parking lot. For the past few days I've been taking a different route to and from work, on a smallish (but long and straight) road just south of Johnson. But last night it snowed again and it became impossible to bike through the stuff, so this morning I took Johnson anyway, since it was the only place where my tires could get a grip on anything. Winter makes biking to work an adventure.

Have some pics.