subject: TA, department store, bike to Milwaukee
date: 2008-09-23 12:00
tags: ta-dreams, zdoom-dreams, lakes
lj-entry-id: 859,110

TA, department store, bike to Milwaukee - 2008-09-23 12:00 - Entry 1052 - TOGoS's Journal

I had a dream that someone was visiting us. Maybe it was Fizz. We decided to play TA. I was building up a little base along the shore of a big lake. It was going pretty slow, nobody was attacking me, and I was forgetting to build any construction units or upgraded buildings. I saw a video of someone's airplane get shot down and crash into the lake. I wasn't sure who's side I was on, but I started building up laser-shooting airplanes to help the guy that I seemed to have started next to. His units were aqua-colored. Mine were yellow. There was a lot of land behind us (away from the lake) that we weren't using.

The game got really boring and we left and went to a large, square department store. Fizz, Joh, and a couple of other people that must have been either Fizz's or Joh's friends (who may have been playing TA with us) were along. The building was circled by dirt roads and small parking lots, and was surrounded by woods. There was a glass entrance area at each corner of the building, and after we had been in the store for a while (Fizz and I were sitting around being bored and the others were off in some other part of the store) I was trying to convince everyone what the way we were going to get back to the car was wrong, and that they were going to end up walking 3/4 of the way around the building. I took the short way, but somehow they all got to the car at the same time I did.

While I was walking by the trees I noticed that sometimes only a few of them would be visible, and I wondered if I was running ZDoom on an older computer that couldn't draw that as many sprites at once as I had placed trees in this scene. I kept walking until I came to a tunnel, and then started wondering how much work it would be to make a Descent-like mod for ZDoom. As I thought about how many new sprites I'd have to make I half-consciously made an effort to head back westward, as I had been biking east for a long time. Eventually I found myself riding on the edge of a lake (there was a wide concrete step just below the water at the edge, so I didn't fall in) and a guy in a car behind me was yelling at me and telling me to be more careful. I waved to thank him for waking me up before I drove into the lake and then tried to be more conscious of what I was doing. I looked across the lake for the Capitol to make sure I knew where I was, but I saw the capitol building of Milwaukee instead. How easy it is to bike too far when you're not paying attention, I thought. And I thought that I should call YC to tell her where I was, but I hadn't charged up my cell phone lately so the battery was completely dead.