date: 2010-01-30 (Saturday) 19:00
subject: Come fly next to me
lj-entry-id: 926,154

Come fly next to me - 2010-01-30 (Saturday) 19:00 - Entry 1127 - TOGoS's Journal

It was really cold this week.

The ice on Lake Monona got extra cold and buckled, creating rifts like the ones between continents.


(19:25:54) BoxOfLAME:

i need to go home and test everything on UV
I made the bike shop guy fix my wheel
I need to resolve ecom-trac ticket 178
My kitty is sitting at home bored

(19:26:36) BoxOfDumb:

were you replaced by a robot

(19:27:08) BoxOfLAME:

I am typing at my desk
BoxOfDumb, are you there?
I had a dream about a house
It was 3 stories tall
It was a cool house
Then Andrew Armstrong came and picked us up in his car
We went to Arby's and then drove around while he insulted us

(19:28:58) BoxOfDumb:


(19:29:19) BoxOfLAME:

The house was the one that you lived in in Colorado
It was much cooler than my house in Madison because it had 3 stories.

(19:46:26) BoxOfLAME:

I just remembered another part of my dream
There was some city where people did sports or something all the time, or maybe Schweser was there, and a Library, or something
But this city was out in this remote place
and there was a desert and a forest
and they were really big
And people could fly there
including me
so I was showing someone how fast I could fly all the way to this mesa in the distance
and then I turned to fly through the forest, and there were all these huge trees, and I was flying through some trees on a ridge, and then over the trees in the valley behind the ridge
it was kind of like Avatar
It felt great
Somehow changing quantities on cart items reminded me of that.
Oh oh, and I had to go through an airport, I think

I only remember the last part of my dream from last night. I was biking down an onramp onto a highway. There were busy railroads on both sides of the highway, and I ended up having to bike down the median. A narrator was talking about one of the downsides of busy railroads was that they could be a hard to cross.

The refrain from Kathy's Song was playing in my head all day. I woke up and checked my e-mail and ended up watching Obama talk at a Republican House reps conference. I wanted to run out and say hi but Yoru was on my lap and I didn't have boots on.