date: 2010-04-17 (Saturday) 20:30
subject: Different cars
lj-entry-id: 940,232

Different cars - 2010-04-17 (Saturday) 20:30 - Entry 1141 - TOGoS's Journal

A few nights ago I had a dream that we were driving around in a limozine. It was supposed to be all luxurious, but actually it was just big and bulky and weird and a pain to drive because there was no front window. It came with ice cream but it was all freeze-dried.

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Last night I dreamt that I had just bought a new car. It was kind of small and boxy, and was colored like my new shoes. The handle of the key was sort of shaped like a G, like this →

Since I don't drive much, it took me a few days to realize after my car had gone missing. Had I given a key to someone else? Oh yes, I remembered that I had. I went downtown (from the East side, which seems to be where I lived in this dream). There was an aquarium downtown, and I went in and found Jack Bork working there. I asked him if so and so still worked here, and he said, "Not anymore, why, did she steal your car?"

I sighed and looked at my feet. He laughed and said "Yeah, I fell for that once, too..."

I ran around Lake Monona on Friday. It was more successful than my last attempt. Very tiring, though. My legs are still sore.