tags: grocery-shopping-dreams
date: 2010-04-18 (Sunday) 13:15
subject: Neighborhood reorganization
lj-entry-id: 941,121

Neighborhood reorganization - 2010-04-18 (Sunday) 13:15 - Entry 1142 - TOGoS's Journal

I had a dream that there was a section of Annen in Meadowood that the city was reconnecting to the part between Paul and Marvin. That shifted everything around, and my house was now in a totally different place. The new place was kind of nice. There was a park right across the street on a hill that sloped down to a lake. My parents and Heather and Jon and Dawne and all of Dawne's kids came to live with me. I think Liz was there, too. Fortunatly they spent most of their time in the park. I went running and passed a bunch of Walgreenses and gas stations. I also went to Woodman's with my green bags but forgot to take out the groceries I had bought last time. I found a gallon of milk whose bottle was all falling apart but still keeping the milk in. I was struggling with whether to buy it or a different bottle.