date: 2012-10-01 (Monday)
title: Tail wind

Tail wind - 2012-10-01 (Monday) - Entry 1282 - TOGoS's Journal

I drug Simon to Cedar Point this weekend. Here are some tips for next time:

I thought of a lot of funny things while we were driving on the tollway. Like, wouldn't it be great if you took the 'trollway' instead of the tollway, and it wasn't like the Mt. Horeb one, but the entire highway was trolling you? It'd have signs saying you were going to Wisconsin, but then after driving several hundred miles it'd say "Lol u got trolled ur in Missouri." And there could be a special lane at the ticket booth for people who don't want to pay. It would automatically key your car as you went by, and then it'd be readily apparent who the cheapskates and people who don't care about their cars were.

We made it back to Madison from our hotel in Toledo in 6 hours, which I think counts as 'making pretty good time'.