date: 2012-10-03
subject: Little Taiwan in Wisconsin

Little Taiwan in Wisconsin - 2012-10-03 - Entry 1283 - TOGoS's Journal

I had a dream that there was a place a bit to the west of Blue Mounds where the landscape and vegetation changed abruptly to resemble that in Taiwan. I was visiting there and mowing some grassy stuff (not grass, but denser and softer and easier to mow) near a lake at the top of a hill. There were some white guys in a boat with an outboard motor on the lake, fishing and reminding me that this was still Wisconsin.

I stopped by the parents' house. I thought there was something in the water that was making us all paranoid. I asked my dad about it and he said that yeah, after drinking the water and then watching the weather forecast, seeing a cloud front approaching filled him with a sense of dread.