date: 2013-01-29 (Tuesday) 21:20
subject: Tri-country region, meetup driving

Tri-country region, meetup driving - 2013-01-29 (Tuesday) 21:20 - Entry 1306 - TOGoS's Journal

I had a dream that I was somewhere with Matt and some mixture of folks from the outing club and the 20-somethings group. We decided to go hang out at some restaurant across town (like we had to go from Stoughton to Middleton or something) and I was worried that I'd end up left out due to the car situation, but someone ended up riding with me and we started finding the others when we got there and it was fune.

In another part of the dream I walked from downtown Amsterdam to downtown Paris, passing through a corner of Germany. This made sense because they were all within a few blocks of each other.