date: 2018-07-20
subject: Sara's airship prison dream and something about weddings

Sara's airship prison dream and something about weddings - 2018-07-20 - Entry 1554 - TOGoS's Journal

As I was trying to fall asleep Sara woke me up and told me about this dream she had. She was the subject of some experiment. She managed to escape where she was supposed to be and ended up in a big room with a lot of other people. She kept her head down and her hood up so that the people who were coming after her wouldn't be able to pick her out. Some of the auhtorities from that section walked by without noticing, but then one that knew her found her. She managed to run outside but it was this big airship so she went climbing around the outside. Smaller airships were around trying to catch her. Sara had some special power that allowed her to jump off the airship up onto some tall building as they passed. One of the persuers had a special jacket that let them do the same thing. They chased her into some woods where she was jumping from tree to tree, running low on energy. When they were about to catch her she stole the jacket, and she was able to run again. She ended up on a billboard, and then at the top of another tree. Her suit was running low on power. She decided she must have some tracking device in her body because they kept finding her, which was very frustrating.

I dreamt about wedding stuff. My wedding was over but I was looking back on it. It had been at a beach. David Jolly had stayed with me and Platteville roommate Bob at Bob's place in Platteville. We were looking at wedding dresses in the hardware store, near the brass pipe fittings. I was playing 'The Promise' in my head as I walked around inside a small bus.