date: 2005-03-12
description: Latino night!
lj-entry-id: 102,89

Latino night! - 2005-03-12 - Entry 612 - TOGoS's Journal

I stayed up a bit late last night polishing UWP Sites, so I was a bit tired this afternoon and took a nap (setting my alarm to 18:30 so I could get to Asian/Latino night at 19:00) instead of working on TRGnomoradio or any of my various short-term homeworks. Of course dreams were had.

And I woke up at 6:30 or so and got ready and went to 'Asian/Latino night'.

It was a dollar to get in, and that turned out to be a pretty good deal as there was a big bowl of chips and salsa and a pan full of eggrolls. There was a dancefloor up in front and a DJ up on the stage telling everyone to dance but at that time nobody really was. The people that were on the dance floor were just sort of standing there. So I spent this time eating egg rolls and chips and I got a strawberry margarita, which was basically just crushed ice with strawberry flavoring poured onto it. Then they started playing some music that I thought I might be able to 'dance' (as granny put it "that don't look like dancing so much as having fits" (or something)) to. But by that time I had a cup full of crushed (and slightly strawberry flavored) ice. I worked on swallowing that for a while but eventually I just put it down by my coat and went out on the wooden floor and stood around by a bunch of people that were wiggling (some of them wiggled in time with the music). After a bit of not having figured out exactly what to do I broke down and started wiggling, too. And that was sort of fun. They played many styles of music, including Rap, House, Trance, what I call "Jock music", and various styles of 'sounds like something Mexicans would listen to'. It was all fun to wiggle to, but I seemed to have better luck with the more familiar electronic stuff and so spent most of the salsa intervals resting and snacking on chips and spicy tomato chunks.

I invented 3 dances. One of them involved a lot of stomping, one of them involved kicking my legs around a lot, and then when I got tired of all that jumping and stomping I would just sort of wave. I must have looked like a total idiot, but the whole idea behind these sort of events seems to be that since everyone is acting stupid, nobody notices or cares what you're doing (unless you do something cool or innovative (such as throwing your glowsticks down and breakdancing), in which case they all cheer). So it was a pretty good time. I won a poster that says "School of Rock" on it. I have no idea what it is supposed to be depicting, but I was told that the guy on it was in Animal House. I only saw the later half of Animal House, and I didn't think it was all that great. Anyway, the guy on the poster is mad because they kept making him spread his legs wider so they could fit all the credits in.

Andy found a fun thing to do with my poster. He can make it spin with his hands.

Spore looks like it's gonna be a schweet game. Too bad EA sucks and is bad :(