date: 2006-08-22 16:28
current-music: TSV - My Protection From You
lj-entry-id: 660,97

2006-08-22 16:28 - Entry 821 - TOGoS's Journal

A-Day and I were exploring this building (seemed to be about where Glenview was). It had been designed by some architect that we were fans of. It was mostly bare concrete, and had a lot of sloping ceilings and diagonal walls. The second of the 3 floors was sort of empty and not that interesting, so we weren't very surprised when we found out that it had actually been designed by someone else.

We went off to one corner, and there was a hallway made of clear plastic that took us out to some spaceship. I wondered if it was dangerous to have a long hallway through space that was made only out of this flimsy clear plastic, going on for miles and miles with no segmentation, but someone assured me that the material was very strong. The spaceship we ended up on had red carpeting and a lot of raccoons lived in it.

There was this bike path that went over the north side of Lake Mendota. And a tunnel that went under one of the largish roads up there. I was looking for that tunnel. And I had a big knife with me...

Jon was over at out house, and he was telling us about how he had complained to the city about a certan swimming pool. I recalled being there once. It wasn't really a swimming pool - some people had just filled this old gym with chlorinated water. Off to the sides there were alcoves and hallways that a person might go into and get stuck in and drown. When I was there I had a hard enough time holding my breath without swimming into those places. Julia had been there, too, and she told me that holding your breath ain't even a problem if you've been 'sweetened' (referring to the state she was in after doing way too many drugs). She kept swimming into those nooks and never came up for air. This 'lifeguard' came down and told her to put this mask on so he could pull her up by the strings it had, and then when they when he brought her out of the water he started punching the mask and pushing her head back into the water. Pissed me off, and made me glad Jon had got the city to shut the place down.

There was this place downtown that was like some party that everyone I work with happened to show up at. Everybody was wearing a red tie. I wanted to know why they were all wearing red ties, and all anyone told me was "because of Santa!". That didn't make sense to me because it was the middle of September. Then I looked down and realized that I was wearing a dark red tie, myself. Then I was really confused.

Later I was driving around with Fizz and Joh. I was talking to Atticus on the IMmer while I was driving. I kept calling him "Andre" because I thought it was very funny. And I ended up going to pick him up (he lived just off Whitney way, south of Raymond) instead of taking Joh home like I was supposed to be doing. And when we got there, Joh left and Atticus and Sonya got in. Heck knows why Sonya was there, I haven't seen her since like 10th grade.

These people had been holding a friend of ours in some sort of prison at the end of that bike path (past the tunnel I'd been looking for). While A-Day and I were up in that spaceship the people had tried to read my thoughts. I finally got to the prison and they were letting my friend (who looked like a giant praying mantis) asked me what fantastic plan I had thought of that made these people let him go. I told him "Nothing. I just missed you."

When I woke up again I was already 45 minutes late for work. Need to not shut off my alarm clock and go back to sleep.