date: 2001-04-12
content-type: text/html
description: ACT, College visits, SpookShare, motor, nice weather, memories of 1 year ago, golf course LSD required
lj-entry-id: 162,27

ACT, College visits, SpookShare, motor, nice weather, memories of 1 year ago, golf course LSD required - 2001-04-12 - Entry 87 - TOGoS's Journal

It's spring break right now.

On Saturday, I went and took the ACT. That wasn't too hard. I got a ride home from Boatright (ha,ha,ha, that's a funny name). I think it was that day that I went for a ride down the Cap. City trail and came to a dead end (they were doing some constuction or something and the path was all torn up by the highway). I then came home. I was thinking about cameras. I was also thinking about VRML. I had gotten my Linux VRML browser installed last week, but whenever it needs to do JavaScript stuff, it crashes. I'm thinking about making a model of my building I'm designing in drafting in VRML. That'd be koo.

On Monday we (Mom and I) went to check out Whitewater (UW thing). It was pretty neat. I liked the way you got all the food you wanted all year for a fixed price. They didn't have a CompSci Master course though. I read more of the book I rented from JMM/LMC on friday - "Timequake" (Kurt Vonnegut). Got home and got Everybody Have Fun Tonight (Wang Chung) off Gnutella.

On Tuesday we went to see Platteville. They do have the CS course. That was koo. We went and talked to a CS guy. Told me I couldn't set up a server on their ethernet. He he. Finished the book. Mom wanted me to work on my Huck Finn essay. I went over to Fizz's house and wathed DragonballZ and Big O. That was a dumb show. Then we went downstairs and played a skateboard game. When I got home we ate pizza, and then I tried to I'net, but I think mailtag wasn't connected, because I could access their server but not the outside world. I made a funny little webpage on there. Netscrape was being really crappy, so I had to use Mozilla, which was really slow, since Lynx is kinda yucky (I'd use it if it used multiple threads or something - the way it is, you can't view a page until it's done downloading). I went and worked on my motor program (for my Physics Project) while thinking about SpookShare protocol.

I spent today (Wed, not Thu) working on my motor. I finished the program, and we went to Radio Shack and bought a bunch of stuff - Pre-etched circut board, and a thing to mount the motor crap onto. Got it all set up and soldered, but it doesn't always work. All this soldering and nice weather reminds me of about this time last year. I remembered going for a ride with Drew and them guys after trying to play age of empires - we went and drove around the neighborhood and listened to JJO and I bought Mt. Dew and Dorritos. I remember playing age of empires, which had been kinda fun. I remebered making the capitalist pictures, thinking about them and how to make a pretty street that shined under the streetlights as if it had just rained as I went for a bike ride to that park up at the top of Raymond. I remember making that phone-controller thing a little later on.

I just went for a walk in the golf course. For some reason, I kept wanting to be able to spread my arms and conrol the wind. I need LSD.