date: 2007-01-15 19:38
subject: Delta Lodge
lj-entry-id: 711,208

Delta Lodge - 2007-01-15 19:38 - Entry 886 - TOGoS's Journal

Just got back from the Delta Lodge ski trip, which I took 3 days off work for. It wasn't such an all around fun time as the Fall Colors trip, but it was certainly interesting. Lots of driving, eating sandwiches, getting yelled at by various people about various things, trying to ski, wiping out, being sore and cold, driving for hours to Michigan and back, reading Animal Dreams (I like this book), getting yelled at some more, trekking back and forth to our cabin (which is way up at the top of a hill, away from all the others), eating lots of food, drinking a lot of beer, and repeating all that about 3 and a half times. Maybe I'll post details about it later. Right now I'm a bit stressed out about my goofy Canon PowerShot A530 seems to be having mechanical trouble with the lens barrel. Making some clicking noises and doesn't always focus right. I'm trying to follow some on-line advice about it and if that doesn't work I guess I'll try to use the warranty on it.

Trying to deal with that dumb camera took what little energy I had left. I don't want to do anything for a while. Except maybe sleep. And then what? Go to work, come home, forget about the dumb camera for a while. Maybe fill out some more forms. Ah, it always makes me feel better to realize that I don't have to feel great all the time. There's always tomorrow. Unless I die or something, and then it won't matter anyway.

No worries, it's all good, etc.